Month: January 2007

  • Post Nasal Drip = Bad

    Sudafed = Good

    Life = Better

    (Okay, so maybe it's not poetry, but it sums up how I feel)

  • The Greatest thing you'll ever learn ...

    ... is just to love and be loved in return.  Well, and to do dishes.  Because no matter if you do find a way to live on love, you still have to do the dishes.  And there's nothing uglier than a sink full of dishes and the nasty manipulative tantrums that get thrown by people who don't want to do them. 

  • I want to know...

    how it is that I have three pairs of underwear that are absolutely identical, same brand, size, color, everything - and yet one of the three is more comfortable than the other two?

    Wishing you all a good underwear day.

  • Thank you

    Thank you for all your good wishes.  I had a very low-key day.  The boys and I watched a couple of DVDs - During Ever After I kept drifting off to sleep but woke up in time to sob like a baby over the happy ending.  (I love the part where Leonardo Da Vinci says, "I will go down in history as the man who opened a door.") 

    I'm bad when I'm sick.  Everything makes me cry.  The boys are good to their Momi though.  And they are both feeling enough better that they were willing to nurse me a bit today instead of asking me to bring them drinks and snacks.  Not a whole lotta snacking going on around here though, this thing makes you not want to put any food in your mouth.

    I've been drinking tea with honey.  I have an assortment of "honey sticks" that are the perfect measure of sweetness for a cuppa tea.  And I feel better.

    I noticed this afternoon, I have one of those thermometers that you put in the ear canal and it gives you the reading in less than a second.  So I noticed this afternoon that my temp on the left side was higher than the temp on the right side, by almost a degree.  Is that weird or what?  I wasn't lying on my side, so the discrepancy can't be explained that way.  It was just weird.  I tried it several times after I noticed and it was always about like that. 

    Thank you for your well wishes. 

    I'm going to bed now.

  • Still Sick

    I joked yesterday that I was going to will myself right out of this flu thing. 

    Today, I woke up with a fever of 101.9 (and that's close enough to 102 to count - which is especially impressive to me because my normal body temperature is 96.0) so my new plan is to lie on the couch and watch movies with my eyes closed. 


  • I'm Sick ...

    but that's a good thing, no really it is.  Because a week from today, Cool Mary is flying in to Denver and we will have a week together doing sister stuff, and writerly stuff, and giggly girl stuff.  Okay, it's probably more me doing the giggly than Mary, but (drumroll please) we have manicures on the approved activities list.  You just wait.  The day is coming when I'm gonna get her drunk and the next thing she knows it will be mudbaths and facials.   

    So it's good that I'm sick today, because I have time to get over it before Mary gets here. 

    Mary is also doing something new and exciting that you guys should know about.  She's offering her skills as a Creativity Coach.  You can read more about that on her website HERE or on her Xanga site HERE.  This is not a proofreading service or a critiquing option, this is the opportunity for all you creative writerly types who know in your heart that you could really be good if you could just work your way around those obstacles to get a coach who can help you. 

    AND - I have another new boss at work.  They aren't firing people or replacing people they just keep adding new people to the long line of people I report to.  First it was Steve, then it was Matt and Steve, now it's Denise, Matt and Steve.  But I met this morning (yes, I'm sick, but I'm dedicated) with Denise.  I went through the overview of the whole financial literacy plan and our loan programs with her and she was impressed.  In fact, she said very nice things about my work and in praise of my programs. 

    I didn't want to duplicate what is already out there, so my program starts and ends up differently than anything already offered by anyone.  We are completely customizable, you decide what the goal for your participation will be, not me.  And we are completely scaleable.  It's pretty stinking cool. 

    Denise is a fundraiser, so it was important for her to know exactly what it is I do and what we offer so she can accurately represent us to potential donors.  I'm hoping that in the midst of all that, she will be able to get me a real live honest to God salary.  yeah, that would be nice. 

    But for this afternoon, I am home.  The meeting with Denise lasted a little longer than I had planned but I still got out of there and dragged my sorry carcass back to the house where I intend to have an afternoon hopped up on medication to help my flu symptoms to disappear. 


  • Better and better ...

    Now really.  Who wouldn't want to spend their weekend looking out at falling snow and looking in at a sick kid?  okay, me.

    Tucker is sick.  He's been complaining for several days that he just didn't feel well.  Enough that his teacher called me on Friday and told me about it and told me that she'd told him that I wouldn't have sent him to school if he was sick, so she didn't want to hear it anymore.

    SO then I picked him up and noticed that he looked a little pale, but otherwise seemed alright.  This was at 2:30.  By 4:30 he was lying on the couch just staring at the ceiling.  (And in Tucker this is a "never happens" situation,) So I grabbed the thermometer.  102.

    Sigh.  Bless his heart.  He has only moved off the couch to get in my bed for the past 48 hours.  I'm hoping that he will feel enough better to go to work with me tomorrow.  I'll keep it to a half day in the office and then bring work home. 

    I did have one moment of weakness, and it will probably come back to haunt me.  I pointed out to him that if he would ONLY take his vitamins ....

  • Light Flurries

    We were supposed to have light flurries today.  So far we have about three inches of flurry and more is falling.  I know, I know, it's Colorado, what do I expect?  Well, what I expect and what I want are not the same.

    And I have a couple hours I have to go to work this morning, I'm teaching the Money 101 seminar. 


  • Controlled Freak

    Okay, my long time readers know that when things begin to stress me, I start doing less than optimal things to regain a feeling of control.  For one, I stop eating.  Yeah, I know, hard to believe when I'm still overweight enough that a recent use of a BMI calculater suggested that I should skip the weight loss surgery and just go straight to having my leg amputated.

    So over the weekend, one of the things that I talked about with my friend was how I was feeling about food right now. 

    I also checked in with a couple of websites that address Eating Disorder and saw on both of them negative attention seeking is considered par for the course for someone with an ED.  So there's a chance that I'm talking about this because I want attention for negative behavior.  And there's a chance that the person who wrote the website is an insensitive cretin.

    But whatever the chances, the fact remains that I have an increased need right now to exert control.  And since the greatest control I will ever have is control over myself, and since I don't really WANT to be sick.  (However much I may be sick regardless of my want.)  I have arrived at a compromise I think I can live with.

    I WILL eat.  I will at least 300-400 calories at least 3-4 times a day.  That way I'm guaranteed to have at least 900 calories in a day.  And yes, I actually do need to be that obsessive.  But so far, one day at a time, I'm making it through the week. 


  • As told by a child ...

         Martin Luther King had a Dream that he was on a bus.  The bus driver didn't want Martin Luther King to sit on the front of the bus because Martin Luther King was black.  The bus driver wanted his girlfriend Rosie to sit by him, and he told Martin Luther King that he had to move to the back.  MLK thought that people ought to treat each other better than that and he said so.  Then someone, I don't know if it was the bus driver or a friend of the bus driver, but someone shot him.  And that's why we were out of school yesterday. 

    My very good friend's son, Jared, told me that story when he was in kindergarten.  He's 20 now so I'm sure that he's long since ready for me to stop re-telling it.  But what good are having people who love you if they don't keep your stories alive?