January 23, 2006

  • Today is the First Day ...

    Earlier this month my sister and I started lo-carb diets (again).  She's doing it for a very serious reason, she's been diagnosed with Diabetes and she has to either get control of her blood sugar or suffer horrible consequences.  I did it because I have been at a plateau for almost two years and I want to lose some weight.  My Goal for 2006 is to lose 36 pounds.  That would put me just a hair over my ideal weight, but surely 3 pounds a month is doable.

    I've always been much much better about "dieting" than exercising.  I can count calories and follow a basic food plan.  What I have trouble with is consistently following a program of exercise that will get my body moving and my heart working.  But this morning I did it, I followed through on what I know I need to do for my health.  I got back on my treadmill. 

    I bought the treadmill ... 3? years ago.  That seems about right.  And I used it consistently for about a year and a half, until I moved away from Indiana.  Since I've been here, it's just seemed so overwhelming at times, all the things that I needed to do, that I have allowed it to slip off my list of priorities to spend that time. 

    Then last week, ooooooh, boy, was I SICK or what.  And that really got my attention.  This time last year I was taking the Synergy Vitapak and managed to make it through the entire cold and flu season without a sniffle.  This year, I let that slide.  Oh, I'm still buying the Synergy vitamins for my children.  But I started thinking that maybe the grown-up version were just too expensive and surely I could make do with the stuff you get at Walgreens.  Nope, it's just not the same. 

    So, I put in my order for the Vitapak (hopefully it will arrive this coming weekend).  I got up this morning and walked a mile and a quarter on the treadmill, and I'm watching what I eat more carefully than I have in a while.  I know how to be healthy, I'm just generally not motivated to make myself into the kind of priority that I have to be in order to work all those pieces into my daily schedule. 

Comments (7)

  • That makes me sad that Cheryl has diabeties.  I have now for 7 years and have been told as of friday if I don';t get the rest of my wieght off the pills are no longer working and I will have to go on shots.  I am going to get back to the gym and start trying to walk 3 times a week. When it is about your health and not vanity it changes things...

  • Try not to get discouraged.  I'm trying to pull myself out of this disease and find that i'm so weak that walking a block to the mailbox and back each day is a good goal for me.  At some point, I'll go farther, but for now I value the movement and breathing the clean air.  It is hard, I know that.  I'm taking it in baby steps because I think I'll last longer that way.  Good thoughts cming your way.

  • 30 mins. on the tmill for effect and 40 is better. Best to you.

  • I get on my treadmill named "Pete" most days and walk away it is in my livingroom.  I will not make a coat rack out of it. smile, Judi

  • Good for you for getting back into the exercise routine. 

  • It is hard to make yourself a priority - kudos to you (=

  • Hi there,

    I really lost weight and felt much better on the paleodiet.  You can go to the website.  http://www.paleodiet.com.  There are a lot of great ideas.  Anyway, I lost over 50 lbs a couple of years ago.  But like any diet, once you go back to the regular way, the weight comes back.

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