April 21, 2004

  • Swamped -

    You know, I'm getting really really tired of being too busy to write.  I NEED to write.  I need to write blogs, I need to work on my novel, I need to write letters, I need to answer email, and I need the time to do these things.  Every swamp has it's gator and the one I've been slogging through has gators that are chomping up the time I set aside for writing. 

    Tonight I'm packing.  I stopped off at the U-Haul store and picked up 15 boxes.  It's ONLY 15 boxes.  Surely I can pack 15 measly boxes.  (Then I'll have to pack 15 more, but I'm taking this thing in reasonably sized bits and bites.)  I learned that because I'm renting my truck from U-haul - when I get to Colorado they toss in a month of storage for free.  My penny pinching little heart LOVED that.  It's like getting a 10% rebate on my truck expense.  Have I mentioned that I hate moving?  Oh, I like going new places, I even like living in different places.  I just don't like the part that requires me to pack everything in boxes and drag it along.  Every time I move, I swear that I'm going to get rid of enough stuff that the next time around, I can move it all in a couple boxes and a suitcase.  But so far, I've never followed through on the threat. 

    It's an odd relationship I have with stuff.  I prefer to see no "stuff" when I look around, but for some reason the "stuff" won't stay hidden.  I organize it into drawers, desks, closets, and shelves - but it creeps out.  For instance as I'm writing this, I can look to my left and see a stack of cross stitch books and supplies on the table, in the floor beside my desk the kids' wooden train set is scattered around and they have left their latest masterpiece railroad for me to step around.  My desk is piled with mail I need to attend to, books of poetry, stationery, my digital cmera, a calculator ... and there is a stack of books on the floor to the right side of my desk that almost reaches the writing surface.  How does this happen?

    I can blame the train on the kids - but all the rest of this stuff - is purely and simply my stuff.  ...  Okay - I put away the cross stitch stuff so I can feel a little better about the place.  But while I was cleaning off my stuff from the table, I realized that Tucker had left the ketchup out again (no I don't have to ask which kid ... ) when I was putting it away, I noticed - I have five kinds of mustard in my refrigerator AND a jar of Ginger Wasabi which might as well be mustard.  WHY do I need five kinds of mustard?  Admittedly the horseradish stuff is particularly good with cherry tomatoes and the sweet/hot mustard is excellent with ham and swiss on rye - but do I need five kinds of mustard?  I think I only need four - the kids' mustard - you know the plain old yellow French's stuff - that's the only kind I never reach for. 

    I'm in the process of moving so I'm looking at everything wondering what I can reduce, what I can sell, or give away, what stuff is just stuff that's in the way?  Because you know that in-the-way stuff that you don't get rid of?  It grows up to be gators.  CHOMP  CHOMP


Comments (13)

  • I say if stuff hasn't seen the light of day in more than six months, it must go the way of the dinosaur.  Write a little ode to it, if it helps, but say your goodbyes and chunk it in the trash. 

  • At least the driving directons are simple enough.  Follow I-70 into Colorado, and then take the branch to Colorado Springs.

    Now.........     Don't get too discouraged when you get deep inside Kansas and pass that sign that says "Denver 563"....     

  • HEY!  HEY STEVE!  I saw that! 
    not that Kansas isn't just as good by night as by day BUT it is growing season.  And...well...nevermind.

    I have so much stuff.  I need Moon baby there to come clean it out for me.  I can't bear to part with it.  And swamped?  oh with a capital S...and I'm not even moving!

    Oh...and I only reach for the yellow mustard.  heh.

  • The only thing I hate more than moving is packing. It's tough as I am slash and burn while being a sentimental packrat. I'm guessing I will die in this place. With piles of "stuff" surrounding me. And no less than 6 kinds of mustard in the fridge (even though I only eat one kind)

    Good Luck to you, on getting through it!

  • UGH!  I love 'stuff'.  I have 'stuff' everywhere.  Its terrible.  I think my stuff is mating even! 

    Good Luck getting rid of your 'stuff', look for their babies too! 

  • It is time for a change... a clean sweep if you will. When in doubt, throw it over the side.

    Time management is difficult but it is a must in your current situation. Manage your time and you will find yourself much more productive.

    Sail on... sail on!!!

  • Weeeelll -- I only have the kid's-type-mustard.  AND I don't know where my vinegar is.  BUT I still have stuff out the wazoo, and creeping up the basement steps.  Orgh.  I'm with you all the way. Hang in there, Lady!

  • actually, I-40 is nice this time of year too (just ask Natasha!)...

  • I was watching Oprah the week before I moved from my old apartment to my new one. The show was on redecorating, organizing, etc. And one of Oprah's guests said this and it changed my life; "If your home is disorganized, what does that say about who you are on the inside? If your home is disorganized, more than likely, so is the rest of your life." The person went on to talk about how if one can clean their house, and attempt to keep it neat, and organized, and get rid of the clutter, than the rest of their life will follow suit. I took this to heart (seeing as I'm the most disorganized person you'll ever meet). When I moved, I threw away half of my stuff. Every box I went through, I made sure I threw at least half of it away. After I got used to it, because it was kind of painful throwing all that stuff away, it became this huge release. And honestly, for as melodramtic as I am, and for as nuts as my life is, since I threw away all that junk (which I once thought was treasure) and only kept what was really important, my life actually has become more peaceful.

    I want my home to be my haven; my comfort. My solice. I want the rest of my life, inside and out, to be that for me as well. Who knew cleaning house could be such a monumental experience. Here's to you and moving!!!! Kisses, Kate

  • Of course you need five kinds of mustard. You need English mustard for sandwiches. Brown and spicy mustard for tuna and hamburgers. Honey mustard for chicken nuggets. Yellow mustard for hot dogs and sissies. Then of course that extra bottle you picked at the grocery store because you couldn't remember if you need it or not but decided better safe then sorry. Then somebody opens the extra bottle and you have two open bottles of the same thing.

  • I don' t like moving either Terri . You are really a writter . We feel that by the way you relate the packing and all things around . For me this makes me sad .

    Love                Michel

  • Hello darling,

    I just wanted to swing by and say hello since it has been a while since I've commented.  I know this entry is old (relatively) but I wanted to wish you well.

    My parents are moving in September - which means that when I get to help them sift through all of their STUFF and they have a TON of stuff.  I imagine it is very difficult to throw some of that stuff away - because stuff often holds memories.  I suppose the important thing to remember is that it's just stuff and the  memory lives inside you.

    I hope your spirit is doing well - I'm sending good vibes to you!

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