September 27, 2002

  • Did you ever have a day where ablsolutely nothing went right?  Oh it started off well.  It's raining and that's a good thing.  We went out to lunch at a local diner.  The people on either side of us were obviously deaf but unaware of their condition because they were yelling their conversation.  It took an hour to get our food.  And then the order was wrong.  When we left the loud people were still there, still yelling.

    No problem.  We went to Walmart - shopping always cheers me up.  Except today I went to a brand new Super Walmart that is the biggest Walmart I've been in to date.  I couldn't find the things on my list.  Why do you think they would have put the pet food in between the shampoo and the Ibuprofen? 

    It was raining and I needed new windshield wipers because in the three months since the last time it rained mine apparently dry rotted.  So when I turned them on not only did they fail to clean the windows - they waved annoying little trails of rubber in front of my eyes.  But could I find the wipers in this Walmart?  Could I even find the automotive section in this Walmart?

    I looked and looked for a certain expansion pack that I've been wanting for my SIMS game.  I couldn't find it.  I asked a sales associate if they might have it in a different display since its the newest one.  He stared at me like I was a three headed alien with spinach between my toes.  I asked him if he could check his computer to see if they had a copy in stock.  He looked at me with a puzzled tone of eyebrow, "Why would I do that?"  How silly of me, I assumed that the bright blue vest and Walmart name badge meant that you WORK here.

    I got home and was unloading my stuff.  (Only about half of what I set out to get, but who's keeping score?)  Out the corner of my eye, I saw my kid opening a box that I had specifically said was to be saved for this weekend when the cousins visit.  I double checked with him, "Is this the _____ that we just bought?"  Yes, Mom.  "Did you hear me say that this is being saved for when the cousins visit?"  Yes, Mom. 

    I yelled at him.

    Later I realized that he had not in fact opened the box of _____ that we just bought, the unopened new box was right where it was supposed to be.  So now I'm not only confused, I feel bad.  "Michael, why did you tell me that you opened the new box?"  I don't know, Mom, it seemed important to you.

    Tim called to see how my day was going.  I told him.  He brought home the new expansion pack.  My SIMS are UNLEASHED.  I however, have been effectively reined in. 

Comments (12)

  • You can make a bad day funny!  LOL @ 'a puzzled tone of eyebrow'...yes, I read everything...every dot and twiddle...  Spot

  • its a known fact that people with headaches are usually thinking about giving thei dog a bath :~)

  • Stress is the order of the day for me when it rains....seems it got you too!

  • What a sweet little Michael you have.  Just wants to please his mother--only sometimes that's confusing!    This experience is funny because it rings true for all of us!  Oh, and because you made it that way with your wonderful writing.  As for me and my house, we will not shop at Wal Mart.

  • What a day.  Why are some days so damn OFF like that? 

  • Some days are like that! Do your best to endure and know that not every day will be so disasters.

  • Wal-Mart is enough to make any good day go bad. And is there anything worse than yelling at your kid and then discovering that they didn't in fact do what you were yelling at them for? I'm the guilty culprit of that. I think all parents are at one time or another.

    Good to hear you have the support and love of your sister headed your way! Enjoy her visit.

  • DOH!  YOU LUCKY DUCKY!!!!!!!!   I have asked for the new Sims for X-mas but maybe, just MAYBE, I will be a good enough girl to get it early!!!  I'm trying like heck.  Well, I guess I could be rubbing his feet and stuff at night too, but, then I thought.....NAAAAAA!


    God Bless - Dale

  • LOL about the blue vest and Walmart name badge!  I do wonder where they hire some of the people.  And what a sweet hubby!  Have a super visit!

    PS your son is a sweetie, even if he might have confused you.

  • I think you just described every day life in my household. Can we say STRESS???


  • ALL things work out for a reason - we are having a WUNDERFUL visit - whether you got all your "plans" done or not - things are doing beautifully!

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