September 26, 2002

  • Fugitive Is Coming To Town

    Years and years ago, there were two sisters from a tiny town in Arkansas.  The older sister married a tall guy named Tim.  Exactly one year later the younger one married a tall guy named Tim.  The two Tims are almost polar opposites.  One is quiet, writes poetry and sculpts for enjoyment.  The other is more outgoing and prefers to tinker on cars, hunt, fish and eat chili in the woods. 

    So the sisters had much to talk about.  Even though life took them to opposite corners of the country, they still talked a lot.  The older sister was living in the south talking about politics, barbeque, Memphis Jazz and the books she read.  The younger landed in Minnesota so she talked about hair, snow, life in a city, and the weird foods they sold in the local deli.

    Then tragedy struck.  The younger sister signed up for a cooking class.  No stick with me this was a serious tragedy.  See they decided to make candies for the Christmas holiday.  Unbeknownst to the instructor, the double boiler the students were using was dry and vapor locked.  She told them to use it anyway.  Just as the melting sugar and fats were reaching their highest temperatures - the double boiler exploded.  Burning hot candy blew up into the face and onto the arm of the younger sister.

    For days she was unable to see anything and there was a serious question whether she was permanently blinded.  Obviously, something must be done.  The older sister packed up her husband and her books and moved to Minnesota and into the townhouse of the younger sister.  For the next three months, the two Tims went to work each day while the two sisters hung out.  The older sister is something of a domestic goddess so she cooked, cleaned, and generally took care of things while the younger sister recovered.

    Times were really lean.  It helped that the two husbands were both working and the two families were sharing the expense of one rent, and one set of utility bills.  It also helped that the sisters were together, so the long distance bill all but dissappeared.  But, the medical bills still had to be paid, and under the circumstances, there was legal dispute as to who's insurance was responsible.  While the insurance companies argued, the younger sister was forced to pay all the bills.

    Many, many moons later, the court finally told the insurance companies who had to pay what, but lo and behold, the hospital, ambulance, doctors, and pharmacists were all paid so the money was refunded to the younger sister.  Rich, she was rich!  And in her moment of wealth, she decided to buy plane tickets for her family (which now included an almost year old baby) and her sister (along with her five month old baby) to go see their aging parents.

    Fast forward to this weekend.  It's been 7 years since Fugitive bought mine and Michael's plane ticket.  It's time for her younger son to get his turn for a first flight.  Isn't it wonderful that they will be flying here to visit me?  We still have a lot to talk about.  Today I'll be going to Russell Stovers to pick up chocolates.  I'll stop in at the grocery to get special ingredients for the foods that Fugitive likes me to make.  I'm taking the dog to be groomed so that the whole family will be ready to entertain guests.

    It's less than 36 hours til the plane lands and there are four little boys counting each tick of the clock.  If you hear a loud buzzing sound coming from this part of the country, don't be alarmed - it's just me and Fugitive catching up. 

Comments (28)

  • wow, what a story!!  I can see why you're so excited - this sounds like a close sisterhood between you two. 

    Have a wonderful time visiting.  We'll be here.

  • What FUN!  I can hear the ticking from my house....

  • Enjoy the special time with your family.  God bless.

  • Awww!  What a wonderful story!  Thanks for sharing it.  Have fun catching up--may it always be sisterly so!

  • Wow... That's a wonderful Tale..  Now you guys have a GREAt visit and be sure to fill us in on all the details!  *****Hugs*****

  • Russell Stovers--smart thinking   Have a wonderful time! 

  • I pray everyone has safe travels and that you all have a wonderful time together!

  • That makes me so happy!  I'm glad you get to see your sister!

    To Tim - luckily you have a 36 hour notice, but the clock is ticking my friend.  I recommend gathering all the canned goods you can find and head to the woods.  Remember - never wipe with posion ivy, you can eat bark, and moss grows on only one side of a tree (but I can't remember which).  Good luck!

  • Have a good visit!

  • Ah, to have sisters.. I just have tow (annoying) brothers.

  • Ah yes, the joy of family reunion. I think it's about time I packed up my clay and learned to eat chili in the woods.


    God Bless - Dale

  • I always tell my sister: "I couldn't love you more if you were my own sister." I'm so weird that way.

    I love a heartwarming story. You guys have FUN!!!

  • What a WONDERFUL story.  Enjoy your sister. 

  • Aw, thank you so much for sharing that.

  • That is wonderful. I am glad she is better. Have a wonderful time. I know you will. But isn't the wait just horribel. Love shelly

  • I noticed that you weren't volunteering to cook the candy.  Smart move.    Hope you two have a wonderful time visiting.  This will also cut down on my long distance bill this weekend, as I only have to call the one house.  What joy, what fun, what money savings abound.

    Telling family secrets to follow...............

    I noticed you didn't mention how the exploding candy almost improved our sisters looks.    That is a true story in and of itself.

  • *.*.*-_-_^props^_-_-*.*.*

  • Funny how something good can come out of something 'bad'...have a great visit with your sister and her family!   Spot

  • this is such a heartwarming story of sisterly love. *hugs* to you both.

  • What a heartwarming story - thank you for sharing it. Have a great visit with your sister (((HUGS)))

  • You and "Your Tim" are running errands in Louisville and I was catching a quick minute to read up on my Xanga - this made me cry.  The burn, your moving to MN, the babies, the plane ticket ..... all of it.  I hadn't forgotten but I hadn't thought about it in a long time either.

  • What a beautiful blog of love of a sister and what it truly means to be family.

    It is too bad that there are people out there that never have this kind of family relationship.....

    God bless you..


  • Russell Stovers?!?!?!   Made in Kansas City!!!!  Be sure to get plenty of the cherry nougat things...oh...if you need me to, I'll come show you which ones they are in the box. 

    You all have a great visit!!

  • I am so touched by this story I actually cried! I want a sister! (I used to beg my mom for one, lol).  Instead of having one or more of my own, my friends became my sisters. This story is great and thanks for sharing it.

  • haha.. i have lots of 'siblings'. and i think moss grows on the north side of the tree. rock. person. whatever.

  • I'd stumble upon your site by chance and I would like to say that's it's a very beautiful weblog.


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