May 9, 2005

  • 18,410

    That's the number of steps I took yesterday working the Mother's Day crowd at Mimi's.  A good time was had by all (except my feet) and I think it went very smoothly.  I'm officially done with my training approximately 2 shifts early.    The asst. manager was working up the schedule for tomorrow and there was some discussion of Oh, My God - we have TOO MANY new people who can ONLY have three tables.  So I leaned over next to her and said, "I'm ready to move up." 

    She asked me how many shifts I've had (8) but I've been pitching in as the other servers need a break so I'm regularly serving four or five tables already.  I'm good to go.   Tomorrow, I get the winery all by my little self.  Come on down and ask to have my section.  . 

    I know it's not most people's idea of a dream job, but I really LIKE being a server, and I'm good at it.  I used to think that you could tell who were the good servers by how much money that make.  That's not true.  People really don't tip according to the service they receive, they tip according to their own idea of what constitutes a reasonable tip.  I know this because yesterday, I ran my feet off giving incredibly extra over-the-top service to people in an effort to help make their Mother's Day celebration wonderful.  I had total sales of about $700 and my gross in tips was $74. 

    Today, I had far fewer tables, meandered among them giving excellent service because its a Monday and I want to do my part to start their week off well.  I had total sales of $260 and my gross in tips was $65.

    Same service.  I refuse to believe that I was THAT much better today.  In fact I don't think I WAS any better today.  Number of steps taken today?  5,618.  (Yesterday, I worked an 8 hour shift, today I was only there for four.)


    In other news . . . Tucker has two more weeks of school, that's all.  (Well, Michael as well only has two more weeks but the point is ... ) you'd think that this close to the end of the year, he'd put in a LITTLE more effort trying to get along.  But no.  Apparently he told a little girl that he wished she would die.  So I get the joy and privilege of going to the school tomorrow to have a conversation with the principal.  Happy Happy.  Two more weeks son, just try to behave yourself for Two More Weeks.


    Happy Monday, Ya'll

Comments (15)

  • I've noticed in the dog grooming area...people who have either tried to do their dog and know how bad they act or people who get tips as a part of their job tip well...and it has zero to do with how hard the dog was to actually do, or how big a matted mess it may or may not have been. The biggest tipper I have brings in dogs that I honestly could just put a bow in and send back home, I don't know WHY she pays a full groom price because the only thing they ever seem to have needed was a nail trim...but I do the full deal to them because she insists...she gives me whopping tips because she bartends. Then there are the once a year cocker shaves that don't even want to pay the groom price, even though I could have done two 'average' dogs in the amount of time it takes to shave them and not burn or cut them to bits...and they never tip.

    I usually tip according to service recieved...I've been known to tip a really good waitress half or better of the price of the meal, it freaks them out and makes me smile.

  • I think Mother's Day is notorious for attracting crappy tippers.  I hope you had a lovely day anyway...congrats on moving up in the ranks so quickly!

  • *furrows brow* Is that the pedometer you got in... was it cereal or a kid's meal?  Congrats on your progress and glad you like the job.  Poor T... hand in there, buddy!

  • Your tips could end up being a random variable.  You could start a spreadsheet and keep tip statistics.  That's something I'd do. 

  • Brother got a detention for throwing food in the school cafeteria.  Does that make you feel any better?  I'll be so glad when school is out for the summer.  I'm so ready for a change. 

    That's great you've moved up.  I hope you have a wonderful day. 

  • Good tip's . I liked serving , or waitressing when I worked as one .  I always leave a good tip as I know how important they are . It's a good job I think .
    ALOT of step's were taken ! Whew . I hope you and the winery do  well tomorrow .. Happy Monday too , almost Tuesday now .

    Peace and Love :)

  • I tip extremely generously for services I choose to enjoy, which are nearly all and everyone. But there are still some "tip jars" that I opt to ignore as I feel the service they are providing they are being paid for. As a state employee I am not allowed to accept tips, but I do know there are a great number of people who depend on them. In my travels I tend to surprise a few as well. It does tend to pay off!

    I'm glad your job is providing you with this extra income. I absolutely know that you are earning every penny of it!

  • Aaaahhh, many's the little girl who I wished would die.  I'm not sure I ever told one that to her face...but then, I was way too repressed .

    I hope you AND Tucker (and Michael) all make it through with smooth sailing.

    Wishing mutiple tips on you!

  • I wonder if those traditional "out to dinner" holidays are bad for tips because people expect they are spending too much and don't want to spend more?

  • I think you "work hard for your money" girl. I know I need to appreciate more all those who give to me. I have lots of mommy's that look after me and put bandaides on me and serve my refreshments - but I don't always smile at them and tell them to keep the change. Thanks for the reminders!

  • I'll accept that your "low-tips" and "high-tips" days had nothing to do with the level of service, but it's still a solid fact that waitresses who smile and give good service will make more in tips than those who don't.  (Other things being equal.)

  • You COUNT your steps  OCD???

  • I am so proud of you doing so well, and glad that you are getting to serve more at work. That is awesome, and the steps will be good exercise as well. Can't believe school is out so soon, my guys go till mid June.


  • Dumb question:  how are you counting your steps?  With a thingy on your wrist?  Tipping is random. You'll have days when people aren't very generous and other days when they are.  Of course if you are an absolutely OUTSTANDING waitress with a following of your own (a phenomenon that in my experience seems to happen more with bartenders than with waiters), you'll do consistently well especially on Friday and Saturday nights when people are living it up.  If it makes you happy that's all that counts.  Who cares if we or anyone thinks of it as a dream job?  At the end of our lives we'll either say damn, I lived a good life or damn, what did I do with my life?  In what way does other people's opinions change what we say on our death beds?

  • Is that Mimi's, as in Mimi's Cafe?  How funny.  We flew into Denver on Tuesday heading north and got lost.   Finally decided to stop for lunch and yes, it was a Mimi's Cafe in....Broomsfield or something like that. 

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