April 29, 2004

  • Questing for a Hero

    Two weeks ago we had a turning point in the Verrette saga.  Tim introduced the kids to a board game we've had since the early days of our marriage - Hero Quest.  It's a watered-down D&D game with only four possible players and a "Dungeon Master" who controls all the bad guys.  Concern was voiced that the game would be over Tucker's head, but no - it turns out that he's a natural at hack and slash mayhem and treasure seeking. 

    The amount of fun involved in playing this game has completely changed Tucker's attitude about going to Dad's apartment.  He knows that he gets to go there this weekend and he's literally counting down the hours.  This makes my heart happy on a host of levels.  I'm glad for Tim that he's found a way to connect with the wild child.  I'm glad for Tucker that he isn't fretting and fearful about being away from me.  I'm glad for me because I need the peace of mind of knowing that the guys are working it out so they have a good relationship. 

    My attitude hasn't been so great.  In fact, I can show you better than tell you where I am with this poem from one of my favorite poets.

    you have played, i think
    and broken the toys
    you were fondest of
    and now you're tired
    tired of things that break
    and just tired
    so am i

    e e cummings

    I didin't look it up, so I may have misquoted slightly.  For some reason the first time I read that poem it so resonated with me that I have only rarely revisited the printed versoin.  I felt like I already knew it.  I'm having a day when I feel tired of broken things.  I'm tired of broken marriages, tired of broken toys, and tired of broken equipment.

    My lawn is still not mowed in spite of the very optimistic blog I wrote saying that I was going to take a day off packing and get outside to work.  Instead, I've spent two more days packing while grumbling mightily about the state of ill repair my lawn mower is in.  First, the battery was dead.  That was probably my fault for not turning the key all the way back to the off position the last time I used it.  But today, after I got the battery recharged - the rear left tire came off the rim as I was backing the mower out from under the awning where it lives.  Oh, my. 

    My computer is still not fixed from the mess of last weekend - did I tell you about that?  I am suffering from a Microsoft Windows XP update that seems to have pretty well broken my Internet Explorer and my MSN connection.  I learned that the nature of the problem isn't covered under the way too expensive service contract we purchased with the machine.  And I'm doubtful of my own ability to do the necessary repair without making the situation far worse.  At this point, I'm looking at reformatting the hard drive.  I could have done it earlier this week, but I'm putting it off until I can be certain that I have disks with all the drivers and everything else that I might need if things go badly - which because I believe in Murphy - I'm certain they will.  How's that for a defeatist attitude?  You know, I don't think I could be more depressing if I tried. 

    So I won't try.  I'm going to turn off my broken computer and go to bed. 

Comments (11)

  • 1 it's a cause for celebration at so many levels indeed: i am glad you and your family are adusting well, and that your kids are getting exposed to D&D at an early age.

    2 your computer is broken but you can blog. so is there a problem?

    3 thanks for that poem. what would life be without e.e. cummings and pablo neruda, yes?

    4 cheer up. when you're down, there's no way but up. you'll see.

  • Been there, doing that.  Trying to connect with "wild child" as well as PC problems I put off for days due to sheer exhasperation.  Solution:  Keep a backup PC.  And for the PC problem... lol

  • I always love when the updates break something that worked ten minutes earlier!

    (The 'class' will be at least a month away, I want to get it all done before I start!)

  • Oh wow! You posted this at 9:26 P.M., I was reading this one and then the last couple days ( I too am too busy to get around, write, etc.) and when I click the comment, there are already 3 others here.  None were here when I started to post it and got side-tracked!

    Anyway, you, ee cummings and me... tired...

    I hope things get better, it's an adventure, a process and you know from our MSN time, I understand.  This weekend I'll make a real effort to see you on MSN to chat, just in case... and to hear about how much better things have gone!!

    Hugs and love,


  • I hate to say that when I can't fix it (computer) I buy a new one.  So... this one with all it's problems (thanks to stupidly letting a teen use it early on) will have to last four more months!

    'cos this box really truly matters to me.

  • grrr good luck mowing! have a great weekend!

  • I love that game! I have it in my closet right now!

  • Aw, I hope you rested well.

    I am so glad the boys and their dad have a game.

  • Oh my.

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