January 25, 2004

  • Out of Time -

    Do you ever have a day or an hour that seems to be something "other" than regular time?  You do things, see things, feel things and say things that just don't quite fit with your normal life?  I've had such a weekend. 

    Natasha took me shopping.  And oh, what shopping it was.  I won't tell you all the scandalous details, but she began by saying "You have to come in this store and see these panties, they would make even the most boring butt interesting ..."  My poor kids.    They did the typical male thing, sat in the chair and rolled their eyes at the antics of the women. 

    We tried to accommodate them too, we thought it would be fun for them to go ice-skating.  Well, Tucker made it around the rink once mostly hanging onto the wall and Natasha.  Michael got onto the ice and then had a full scale panic attack.  So he and I sat out the experience.  We were somewhat redeemed when we took them for ice cream instead.  But then we were back to the "girl" stuff and they were back to long-suffering male mode. 

    After reading about it for years, I had to see if it's true that the Waffle House here is some kind of Bermuda Triangle where interesting people are sucked out of their normal time and existence for the entertainment of the diners.  Well, perhaps that's not exactly the way it happens, some of the interesting people transported to the WH are the diners.  Perhaps it would be better described as a phenomena in which entertainment and writing fodder are arranged for Natasha's benefit.  The kids were pretty sure they wanted to go to MacDonald's but well, Natasha was driving the truck and I voted for Waffle House, so they were out of luck.  They sulked.

    Oh, they sulked in a fine sulky fashion.  When it came time to order, they said, "No thank you, we aren't hungry."  Natasha and I ordered our food.  And talked.  And while we talked and they sulked, the smells of hash browns and grilled cheese began to melt their cold little hearts.  Surreptitiously, Michael reached for a menu.  He didn't SAY that he changed his mind and wanted to order, he just started waving his fingers over a particular menu item as though he could charm it off the paper without having to lose any face by admitting that maybe he really WAS hungry after all.  And he was hungry.  We had walked him all over the mall, all over several other stores, plus, there was the adrenaline rush from the panic attack working on his system.  He was hungry.  We knew it, he knew it, and we just waited him out.  Eventually, he ordered a dinner. 

    Once Michael caved, Tucker couldn't hold out much longer.  And surely enough, faster than the speeding waitress could offer advice on the proper behavior of children when they had someone offering to buy them dinner, he had expressed his desire for a grilled cheese sandwich with a pile of pickles on the side.  Natasha approved that order.  Harmony was restored, we thought.  Then we heard from the cook - WHAT DO YOU MEAN CHANGE THE ORDER AGAIN!!!  I'm really glad that the cook at Waffle House does his job right there where you can watch him. Because I'm pretty sure if he'd been back where he could work unseen, he'd have spiced Tucker's food with something less savory than pickle juice. 

    See what I mean - it isn't that people are transported there for the benefit of the generic diner, it's all to give Natasha fodder - because last night my KIDS were the entertainment. 

    They weren't the only entertainment in the place.  The waitress was full of interesting advice and a couple who came in just before we left must actually live at that address.  They started taking off their shoes, he pulled out the newspaper, and the cook didn't have to ask them what they wanted, he just began to prepare their "usual." 

    When Natasha came to my house, I cheated.  I kept the kids off the Nintendo for two weeks prior and then the night before the big weekend, I rented them a new game.  They disappeared and didn't come up for air.  This time, she's gotten much more the flavor of what they are really like.  And subcw Tucker has only kicked her a half dozen times, so I think it's going pretty well ...

    I'm headed home today through some rainy and possibly freezing conditions, so you guys think happy, warm safe thoughts about me okay?  Time to get back to regular time. 

Comments (16)

  • o/

    God Bless - Dale

  • I've been thinking of you loads this weekend, and thank you for your mail. This blog made me smile, knowing you spent the weekend with a dear friend (and your children, of course!)

    I'll leave you with props and hugs and wishes for a safe journey home, where there should be some mail waiting soon.

  • Oh, do be safe.    Thanks for bringing me along on your weekend. 

  • sending you warm and safe and happy thoughts, then. take care.

  • Give Tina a big hug for me and have a safe trip!

  • What a wonderful background. It sounds like you were given a gift this weekend tend it and be grateful and you will be given more of the same. Jass

  • you typed on loocious
    you rode in loocious
    you ate at waffle house
    and all with the daff
    i have daff envy.
    i'm SO glad the boys caved and got their WH indoctrination with her as their guide...who better, eh?
    have a safe trip home, teri!

  • Thinking those for you, return them for me tomorrow...

    I'm glad you had a nice weekend.  I am looking out at the white stuff, a thick blanket and its changing ... what is falling is getting wetter.  Real yuk. I am glad I am off this next week rather than having to drive all that way in terrible traffic.  just wish it weren't for the reason of this stupid gallbladder!  %$%^&**(#$#$$%%^ razzle frazzle!

    anyway, take care,


  • Time is relative, and rather long for a boy out with a couple of cunts  Seriously though, there is nothing more emasculating than taking a boy shopping...men are in & out by nature...wham, bam, thank you mam

    At least they had each other to pass the time away....

  • Oh gads, hon -- those roads are HIDEOUS out there.  Drive carefully, eh?  Or better yet -- reconsider!  There's always tomorrow.  I'm sure the kids could stand another day of another new Nintendo....

  • Giggling.. the big Waffle house adventure.... does this WH have the grill right there beside you so to speak? The one we go to in missoure.. has a short wall looking onto the cook and the grill!!! I am not sure who was more entertaining the cook, waitress or the REGULARS !! A step back in time, space.. I am not sure.LOL.. Hugs to you and safe journey.. Rosie

  • ONLY half a dozen times?


  • Terri,

    It was beyond words how wonderful it was to finally get to meet you.

    I feel so blessed to be graced by your visit and hope we can do it again soon!!!

    Your boys are just too sweet and you are a very blessed mommy!!!!
    I hope your trip was a good one after you left me at the resturant.....

    lots of love, and hugs...


  • Ahhh...but didn't you know that time is a relative thing my dear?  It is different for everyone and changes constantly.

    "When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity."
       -Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

  • I hope you made it back. According to the news, southern Indiana was one big ice sheet. Mike

  • You painted the perfect picture of the sulk. I've been there on both sides of that - as sulkee and sulker!

    Glad you had a good visit with friends. Safe home!

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