August 24, 2002

  • Another Saturday Blog And I Don't Have No Ideeeeees . . .

    If you automatically put the tune to that are you now back in the days of your youth - when you first discovered the joys of the radio and weekly top forty?  Are you thinking about the ten speed bike, trying to figure out what to do with hair gel, the cute guy/gal in the car next to yours at the Sonic.  You know, the one you'll NEVER meet because it's so embarrassing to BE at the Sonic with your parents that you slide into the floorboard and pretend to be looking for loose change, tomorrow's homework, your baby teeth, anything to just stay hidden under such humliating circumstances.

    Me neither.

    I just stepped on the scale.  Not a good way to start the day.  You know even if I do manage to lose weight the bottom line is still depressingly large.  In the meantime, Tim is taking this whole health thing very seriously and his weigh-in routine has become an exercise in jubilation.  Which just makes me feel cranky.  Oh, I know, if you really love someone you're happy for them when good things happen.  Stuff that! 

    Well, I made the claim over on Morganna's blog that I'm not depressed, if I don't change my tune, it's going to look like I lied.  So lets see - what good things to talk about - Oh I KNOW.  We recently signed up for our free trial month with NETFLIX.  You know them?  They sponsor some of those annoying pop-ups that have started to buzz around my screen in spite of the pop-up repellant that I sprayed liberally.  Okay, I have to say that of all the Internet companies we've taken for a test drive - this is one we are most likely to form a long-term relationship with. 

    In our first month we have received in the mail 11 different DVD's that are not carried by our local video store.  It would have been 12 if I hadn't insisted on keeping the Blackadder DVD extra days so we could watch it again and again.  Last night we watched the Silent Movie classic - Nosferatu.  If you are a Dracula fan and you haven't seen this one, you are in for a treat.  Of course it's a silent film and the style of acting made us laugh in a couple of places, but it is a classic for a reason. 

    I was a little concerned about the notion of spending $20 a month on DVD rentals when we don't ordinarily spend $20 in six months at the video store.  But this has turned out to be a great deal.  You don't pay for the first month of membership, so you get ahead of the game up front.  We've been able to watch most of the videos on the night they arrive and put them in the return mail the next day.  (They come with a postage paid return envelope so you don't have additional expenses added onto the membership fee.)

    The only drawback - getting to see all these films has made us realize that we want to OWN more.  Our wishlist has Amelie at the top right now and I'm really thrilled that Daff said that today she would blog about this film - it's wonderful.  So I'm headed there now to join the discussion.

Comments (15)

  • Scales are evil.  Losing weight with a man is suicide.  They always lose more.

  • ...i NEVER get on a scale, well except when health services threaten no lolly-pop. My clothes tell me all I need to know.  If I weighed myself day in and day out, I'd weigh 500 pounds. MuSe

  • About the weigh in 'competition' it's not fair to you to compare yourself to your hubby.  He ain't built fuffy to carry babies!  And guys always lose weight faster than girls.  I remember playing this 'game' with hubby and being frustrated as I watched him whittle away into a whisp of a boy while I struggled yet!  Hang on, and compare ya'sef ONLY to ya'sef! ((()))

  • I've got a fast metabolism that burns off as much as I eat. <-- 110 lbs. I don't need to lose weight, but gain some.

    DVDs are nice. Though I don't have the time to watch movies, I lost myself in my litto train of thought. But DVDs are nice. -x8ball

  • Videos always seem like a good idea until I have to sit down and watch them.  That's why I'm now whiling away half an hour on Xanga!  Best regards,  Tom

  • Ditto to the losing weight with a guy comments, it's not fair to compare yourself to him losswise, because he will probably always lose faster, and more. That's just the way it is, he doesn't have the hormone fluctuations you do either...those 5 extra lbs that WE get...that he won't.

    I keep saying to myself that I'm going to buy a DVD player...but I'd be buying all of the movies!

  • reminds me why I try to stick with the simplicity motto - less is more  [note: I need a "smiley" that does the na-nah-na-nah-bo-boo crinkle nose, I'm just teasing you look... wonder where I can get one???]

  • LOL!  I want a smiley that will say na-nah-na-nah-boo-boo TOO!  If you find one - Share!

  • I don't step on a scale..I just pay attention to  how my clothes fit...check out my mom on xanga..MargoRevisited..think you'll like her.

  • You know a really GREAT husband would find a way to make eating cabbage soup seem like fun. 

  • Uugh ..... cabbage soup - I think I am gonna barf!

  • You need to get "pop up ad filter" from - that is the best there is.

    I don't know how you managed to work out that I was thirteen back then - I was actually much younger...and if you had seen the movie you would have understood my pun about learning French - it is actually is one of those wordless movies.

    c-o-m-m-e-n-t  a-l-l-e-z  v-o-u-s...

    By the way, if any of your Xangaloids know how to re-balance serotonin levels quickly after coming off of SSRIs, it would be much appreciated if you could pass that knowledge in my direction.

    Merci beaucoup...

  • If my husband ever compares my weight to his, I'll poke him in the nose.  He never says a word...fortunately he comes from a family of large women.  Phew! 

    The only DVD player we have is on our computer.  Somehow I can't muster up the enthusiasm to watch a movie on a puny screen.  So, I'm still in VCR land.

  • God Bless - Dale

  • For a day with no ideas, you did pretty well! 

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