April 18, 2002

  • I'm Burnt

    I don't like it.

    I was outside today mowing the lawn.  I wore a hat.  I wore sunscreen.  I was only outside for a couple of hours.  I'm burnt to a bloody crisp.

    I think I need my medication changed.


    I'm taking meds for arthritis in my back.  I feel kind of embarrassed about that.  I'm young, I'm healthy, I feel like a whiner going to the doctor complaining of backpain.  But, without the meds, I can't sleep or stand up straight and I get really cranky.

    My medication bottle says "prolonged or excessive exposure to direct or artificial sunlight SHOULD BE AVOIDED while taking this medication."


    So I'm sitting here wearing a sports bra because I can't stand my shirt.  No I wasn' mowing in the nude, but I was wearing my bathing suit.  Hey I live out in the middle of nowhere, and I was wearing SUNSCREEN.  I just wanted a little sun on my shoulders.

    I'm leaving for vacation on Sunday.  It's Tim's birthday, so we're taking a trip to Branson, Missouri - then we're going down to Arkansas to visit family.  Tim's going to rebuild Dad's computer.  I'll use Figutive's computer to cruise around Xanga while she's at work.  Life will be good.  Or it would have been, if I weren't burnt.

    I took the dog to the groomer, today.  I wanted her to be all purty next week when we go to visit the family.  I really like my dog.

    Simone is a little concerned.  She's never seen me glow in the dark before.  I'm a little concerned.  She's never come back from the groomer looking quite like this before.  They gave her a "fancy" clip this time because I mentioned that I wanted her to look extra spiffy for the vacation.

    She looks like BONDAGE DOG! 

    I'm speechless. 

Comments (25)

  • I pray God will restore your health and that you have a safe and fruitful trip.

    God Bless - Dale

  • Grouse grouse grouse. Have a good time. I'm hoping I'm all healed up and a little less blazing by the time I leave. Hope you are too.

  • Your dog looks like an S&M mask with ears. You look like the star of a 50's B movie (Attack of the 50 Inch Lobster Woman With a Mask That Has Ears).

    This is going to be an interesting vacation. (By the way, I really do feel bad about your sunburn and I really do think your dog looks silly.) 

  • ROFLMAO...Oh geez, that POOR dog. If you are going to put a poodle in that pattern, you at least should know where the lines go, and Blend it in! Shame you won't be closer, I can't fix your sunburn, but I COULD fix Simone.

  • OMG!  What have you done to MY DOG?????!!!! She looks Pitiful!!!  Can't wait to see her (and you of course!)

  • A inverse-mohawk punk dog!     Oh sometimes those meds make people hypersensitve--yep, you should see if there's an alternative that's safer.

  • Simone looks cute!  Suntan lotion is great for burns, since it contains all the greasy good stuff to protect and heal skin...of course I use something like
    spf 35464 on myself.

  • ROFL!!  what is up with the racing stripes??  LOL.. I do hope your burn goes away soon!

  • Good points all!  I love reading what you write!

    Now, lobster woman, having done that to my back once or twice, I suggest aloe, and, believe it or not, a hot shower!  Takes the sting out!

    Sorry about the dog!  She does kind of look like she's into bondage, and that pouf!

    Where in Arkansas will you be headed?  Mike has relatives up by Ft. Smith.

  • Sorry you got burnt. Enjoy your trip.

  • Hope you're feeling better soon

  • Sunburns seem to rule right now. Poor doggy! Cute but ya it does look like a bondage doggy!

  • bondage dog?? lol  your site is really pretty

  • Moral of this story:  Be careful what you ask for..........you just might get it.

  • Cute puppy!! 

    I wish I had some more sun!  I lose it by the time I get to lay out again!  I need to take a few days off work to get some quality tanning time!

  • Oh NO.. It's bad when you burn. I hope that sunburn goes away before the trip

    Cute poochie too. He looks fiesty!

  • A recommendation: Hawaiian Tropic Aloe Vera Gel. It's green, it smells pretty good, and it soothes the burn. Last summer I got FRIED and used half the bottle to help restore my (literally) dark purple, completely useless, I probably-should-have-been-hospitalized body.

  • Yuck, it sucks to get burnt.  Hope you have a good vacation still and your dog is adorable.

  • Cooling aloe gel is about the best thing I've ever tried for a sunburn...my grandma used to swear by lettuce leaves soaked in ice water!  You keep a bowl of ice water at hand and put one batch of leaves on the burn while another batch soaks in the water, and you rotate them...I've never tried it but it seemed like my grandma had a million of those home remedies.

    I think your dog looks adorable!  And I hope you have a wonderful trip!

  • Now that is one alternative poodle cut.  lol  Poor Simone.  Don't let her get her paws on a mirror--she'll be horrified if she sees what's going on back there.  Demand a sweater and such. 

    I feel for you with the sunburn thing.  I hope the sting has gone out of it by now, and if you ever did find anything to make the burning go away?  Let me know.  Of all the remedies I yet have heard for sunburn, it seems to me most strange, that women would sit in tomato juice, a beverage, to take away the pain.   Hope it's not burning today.  The trip sounds like big fun---sure you don't want to extend it all the way down to Atlanta?  I've got plenty of room!

  • I'd be demanding a refund from the groomer! Sorry about the burn (and your back too), but just think, it'll peel away and leave you with a whole new skin have a great trip!

  • Oh! Ouch! And how cute ! @-}-}--

  • All around really interesting day, eh?  Dog is cute.  Don't laugh.  Dogs are very sensitive.  Next time you will believe the medicine bottle that says beware of the sun.  I look like a bright red tomato being out of in the sun for only a minute or two.  By the way, I have the beginnings of arthritis in my hands.  Don't worry about whinning.  Anyone who has an arthritic experience understands that they pain just doesn't stop and it is okay to take something.   Oh, yeh, the hair on the dog will grow back.

  • the B/D b.d.!


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