Month: March 2007

  • More on Privacy -

    Don't worry, all of you my lovely subscribers have been on my "protected" list forever.  And I have occasionally used the protected feature to post material if I thought it might be something that I didn't want the world at large to have access to.

    The change I've made is that now in order to read my site, you have to be logged into Xanga, and my site isn't archived on Google, and I shut off the RSS feeds. 

    I don't know if that will make a huge difference, but it makes me feel a little better.

    Updates on Life -

    The three amigos here (Me Tucker and Michael) are doing well finally.  We spent much of the past three months sick as dogs and reinfecting each other.  Well, the kids did anyway.  After the first round of it, I got on my vitamins and didn't get off.  But I still had a cough for a really long time.

    Updates on Work -

    Things at work are crazier and crazier.  My boss has more really wild and wooly ideas that he's determined to make happen.  The people who were our major funders felt it a good idea to fully implement what we had before adding something new.  SO to resolve that conflict, he gave the money back.

    Now, even though I was told I'd be on salary and went to the mats with them (another long story that you can be glad you missed) to get it in writing and everything - I still haven't received the first check at "salaried" level.  It looks like I MAY get that starting in April, but then Steve gave the money back so who knows.

    I've polished up my resume and we'll see what happens next with that.

    Updates on Love -

    I could use a little more.

    Updates on Writing -

    I could use a LOT more writing time.  The one thing that's making me crazier than any other is that I totally have no time any more for the things I WANT to do.  IE writing.  I'm spending my time working, parenting, housecleaning, and sleeping.  Yes, I'm sleeping these days.  This morning I didn't open my eyes until 7:30.  And that's just freaky. 

    Every one of those activities is cutting into my writing time.  The sleeping more than any other.  The only way I was getting writing done before was by waking at 4 to steal a couple hours before the day "really" started. 

    Updates on _ What else is there to update you on? 

    Sigh - it's 11:00 and Tucker just informed me that although it LOOKED like he ate breakfast earlier, the milk was sour so he only poured his cereal down the sink and now he's starving.


  • Privacy

    The time has come the walrus said,
    To speak of other things ...

    One part of the reason - if there's a reason other than simply being overwhelmed - that I've posted so little lately has been that many of the things in my life have become things I feel a need to use a little discretion about when it comes to internet posting.  My job, my kids, my Starbucks addiction ... (I received two Starbucks gift cards at the beginning of February and I have decided that nothing can rival that triple espresso in the morning)

    I checked my "feedback" log last night and noticed that I have more "UNKNOWN" people reading this site than I have RSS feeds. 

    I'm not so paranoid that I think everyone in my office is  reading my site.  But I'm paranoid enough to think that ONE of them might be.  LOL

    I've been easily found.  Anyone googling my name hits on this site.  So I'm putting privacy measures in place.

    To my friends, I apologize for any inconvenience.

    To any nosy people out there ...


  • Sigh -

    It was not my intention to disappear from Xanga.  But apparently intention doesn't mean much in some arenas.

    I have books stacked up to be read.  Science fair projects to be done (let's be honest, I will be the one who earns THIS grade.)  And oh, yeah, that pesky work thing. 

    If it weren't so pathetic, my life would be a country song.  Oh, wait, that's what country song means!  I'm sure if I had a dog, I'd have lost it by now. 

    Happy Pi Day everyone.