February 28, 2006

  • Ouch

    The shopping center where the business I work for is located also has a really really nice fitness center.  They are hoping to sell memberships and hoping that we will be able to give them leads, so a representative came by and offered me a free trial membership.  Hey, I'll take that.  I want to do a little toning, a little shaping, a little getting healthy ...

    I didn't realize until this morning that I really meant a LITTLE.

    Like, can't I just walk around in my cute little gym shoes with the color coordinated towel around my neck and then come home happy?

    I did eight minutes on an elliptical machine.  That's all.  Eigh minutes.  (it was 5:30 this morning because I had this idea that I'd get up and go early and that the sacrifice of leaving my bed would somehow cause the weight loss fairy to wave her wand and grant me three wishes.  (Smaller belly, smaller thighs, smaller arms)  THAT's three wishes ...

    Okay, the weight loss fairy must have thought that was just too amusing because I'm pretty sure that the wand she was waving is what caused me to cough like I'm trying to quit smoking and turned my knees to jello.  An hour and a half later, I'm about done with the coughing.  I'm not quite recovered from the humiliation of limping my wheezing self out of there in full sight of at least 30 people who were doing some serious working-out.

    I would have crawled to the dressing room but I didn't want to dirty up my cute little exercise pants. 

    "The funny thing about caring what other people think is that if we all knew how little time other people spent thinking about us, we'd never worry about it.  Trust me, as you read this right now, the chances are that nobody is thinking about you.  Sort of brings a smile to your face doesn't it?  That's because you know it's true." - From "Start Late, Finish Rich" by David Bach

    I sure hope that's true. 

Comments (12)

  • My friend who lost 80 pounds last year said the elliptical machine kicked her butt around for quite some time, until she had gotten used to it and lost some weight.  You started!  Yay for you!!!!

  • I can't help but laughing... with you, not at you. You have a really cute way of putting that.

    You know, at least you tried the elliptical machine. I have a membership at an awesome facility. Pool, two indoor ice rinks, indoor soccer fields, indoor walking track, gymnasium, state of the art fitness center... blah blah blah... and what do I do? Walk 5km on the indoor track three or four days a week. I am so intimidated by all of that machinery that I haven't even looked at it, or gotten up the nerve to ask anyone how it works. In part, I'm afraid that people will laugh at me. Oh, and I won't be caught dead in the pool until I lose at least 30 pounds. Which isn't going to happen if I don't start taking full advantage of the facility. It's a vicious circle, I tell ya!

  • I understand.  After 8 months of this cripling disease, I'm trying to walk a little.  Just the block to the mail box is my goal for right now.

  • That elliptical is a killer - I die after 5 minutes - so kudos for 8!

  • I should have that David Bach quote tattooed on my arm where I can read it every day.

  • The first week of exercising is always going to kill you, so this is perfectly normal. After that, however, your body gets used to the activity, and it gets a lot better (and working out before you go to work helps improve your mood throughout the day, I've learned).

  • Yeah, it's true.  You're so right.  But when I *do* think about you, it's with loving thoughts, and I trust it's all mutual. 

  • Well, *I'm* thinking of you. But I wasn't thinking of you on your knees in cute little exercise pants until you brought the image to mind....... Excellently put, my dear. Keep at it (the exercise....and the words about them, of course!).

  • Last summer I went on an elliptical for about five minutes and thought I was 1) going to die from exertion and 2) die from humiliation of having to be that fat chick walking out who just walked in. But 20lbs and 9 mos later, I love ellipticals. I keep dreaming about my own. Just Monday I spent 50 minutes on their and felt great. Then I was the fat chick who exercised twice as long as all those skinny bitches! You should def keep it up! What I have decided that help me get through all this was varying my work out. Imean I know they always say that but I vary the time I go, the time I exercise, what I do afterwards, how long I exercise . . . everything! Variety is the spice of life and exercise. You should go to the sauna too. . . if they have one at the gym that is. That feels really nice after a kick ass work out. Anyway . . .
    Good Luck!!!!!

  • If we really didn't care what other people thought, most of the time we'd stay fat.

  • Long time sweety!

    I'm glad you're working and everything is A-OK.  That's excellent news.

    Elyptical machines rock. Way better in my opinion than the Stairmaster which I think is a device of torture.

    I don't think all of us would "remain fat most of the time" if we didn't care about other people's opinions. There are many people who HAVE to keep their weight down because of health issues or they are concerned with the health risks associated with obesity.  We don't have to associate our body weight and health with public humiliation to stay in shape.

    When I decided I had to lose weight and stop the yo-yo'ing of going from 117-168 pounds and having to own four seasons of clothes in nine sizes, the first thing I did was examine my belief system. 

    I noticed that I was obsessing over food no matter if I was dieting or overeating (and I was alternatively doing both).  I basically stopped hating myself and making myself miserable by either depriving myself of food or gorging on it because I knew I'd never look like the Size 3 beautiful tall blonde women on Park Avenue.

    Today I walk a great deal, drink water, make (mostly) sound food choices, decide when to cut back on sweets and for MY reasons. Go to the gym as often or seldom as *I* want.  I have a pair of jeans that helps me decide when it's time to eat less of the high calories/low nutritive value stuff and move my body more often.

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