October 23, 2003

  • Two Down

    I painted the boy's room, cleaned it out, reorganized it.  Packed up bags of things they've outgrown in one way or another.  So now I have my office and my sons' rooms organized.  I'm tired.  Today, I think I'll concentrate on cleaning the bathroom, at least that doesn't require me to move furniture.

    I had one of those epiphany moments a few weeks ago.  I'm still adjusting to the ramifications of it and it's directly behind the work I've been doing around the house this week.  My friend and I were both seated at the computer desk looking at documents on the monitor.  I bumped over a photo frame.  Then within moments I dropped papers, lost my pen, and knocked over the picture frame a second time.  I'm apologizing and getting more tense by the second.  My friend calmly said, "all this stuff is making you nervous, you need a clean space," then moved the items and gave me a clean place to lay my notepad where I was jotting ideas. 

    Does that sound profound to you?  It struck me with all the force of a lightning bolt.  After that moment, we even talked about it again and I was amazed to hear myself described in terms that I would ordinarily associate more with Tucker than myself.  I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that I would have a lot in common with my child, or rather that he is very much like me. 

    Clutter has a way of creeping in around every edge.  It seems that the kids, the cats, and the dog are all more skilled at creating clutter than I am at removing it.  But I am determined to reduce, to streamline, to organize and to make the space I live in a space that will not make me feel nervous, overwhelmed, agitated, or stressed.  This is a lot of work.  I'm feeling really good about where it's going. 

    As a mom, as an educator, as a human being, I'm aware that our environment is a crucial factor in how we are able to cope with life.  I've always been pretty careful to try and keep things organized for the comfort of my family.  Why is it so hard for me to do it for myself?

Comments (22)

  • Clutter is the one thing that will drive me insane if I don't get a hold of it right away. Not owning my own home and having to share the area with others is a hard one for me on that - because of the things I dont feel it is right for me to toss in the garbage LOL

  •  :clap:  Good for you!  I love those epiphany moments.  Someone I am, is waiting for my courage.....the one I want, the one I will become will catch me.  Just fall. 

  • Taking care of others is easy. Taking care of ourselves is a little harder. It all goes back to love. It's easier to love others than ourselves. They deserve the best. We can deal with things. They come first all the time. We will take what we can. We have to take care of their space, we will deal with what we have. You mentioned recently that you are getting to the point where you can love yourself. This is part and parcel of that. MHO

  • It's a good thing I have a high tolerance for clutter, because I seem to generate so much of it....

  • Clutter is the result of what I call "false convenience". It's falsely convenient to not put something away when I'm done with it, but it seems like it hurts less at the moment than making the effort.

    These false conveniences multiply to the point where they MUST be dealt with. I had a similar moment when I tripped over a stack of books, knocked over the garbage can and spilled some coffee. I blamed it on Perry's Chemical Engineering handbook, since it was on top of the guilty stack of books.

  • I'm decluttering too.  It's a helluva process, but damn it feels good when I get a room totally reorganized and haul out about 3 boxes of crap I don't need or use anymore.  I'm up to 8 (?) boxes of *stuff*...my parents are visiting this weekend and she'll go through it to see if there's anything she wants, then I'll save it for next spring for a garage sale.  What doesn't go we'll haul to charity.  I only made one mistake though...asking Brad to go through a box of *stuff* to make sure it was all good to go.  Most of it made it back into the room, so I"ve had to sneak it out slowly  :bigbounce:

  • Oh, I am so there... I need to organize still, and am still working (too slowly) at getting rid of stuff and streamlining.  Dh is also totally cramped and frustrated by lack of organization in his office (but I can't do anything there - that is definitely his space) ... one day we'll figure it out.  LOL!!  Hopefully before the baby finds it all!

  • A suggestion for you http://www.flylady.net  TrixieBelden told me about it, and I've been trying it.  It truely has made a difference. 

  • You are so right about the impact clutter makes!  I am just like you!  Clutter stresses me out.  However, I often can't keep up with my own requirements.  So, what I do is to keep all my unopened mail, reports from work, Marc's school papers, unread books, etc. in one big pile (in the same location), so I can go through it as time permits.  That way, I feel like I've limited my chaos to 1 square foot, and that I can live with. 

    Triple cheers for your accomplishments!!  Bet it really feels great!!

  • I would have commented sooner, but I was keeping my desk organized.  :bigbounce:

  • sometimes it's all I can do to keep from getting overwhelmed by all of the clutter chez MyKi's...

  • You are so ambitious, you make me look like a total slug!!  o/

    God Bless - Dale

  • You know, ten years ago when I knew we were suppose to homeschool, I pleaded with my hubby that we 'simplify' in order not to stumble over the perpetual stuff... after a while, I gave up/in... he won... I live in utter clutter with his offspring who is simply Tornado Jr.!  I hate it... it kills me, I can never find ANything!  So I absolutely concure with what your friend says.  I have paid a lot and often for all this mess, and yet my pleas for order are yet ignored...

    I have recently been energized, by the grace of God alone, to try again... perhaps there are sparks that can be fanned to a flame!   I crave order!  The good news is that all of this STUFF has  made me lose ANY obsession I had for material things and actually value people more than stuff most of the time.  It has been hard, but not in vain.  You inspire me here!

  • This sounds like a FlyLady testimonial! I so need to get back to flying, before the clutter takes over again!

    Good luck with your decluttering, I know you will find more peace at the bottom of it all!


  • clean space makes me feel like i haven't accomplished anything.  as i repeatedly tell my boss, a messy desk is a sign of productivity.  i'm not sure he's buying it...

    i love to relax in a clean space.  now if i could just figure out how to accomplish one.

  • We really need to do that too.  Get rid of a bunch of junk and get organized.  Kudos to you for making such big progress.

  •  :smile:jWe have read that very intelligent people don't do well in clutter.  I do believe it.

  • I find that the very reality of having to do the work often makes me an agitated, stressed, and overwhelmed. I need at least ten more lives in order to do all the reading and writing I want to do. I tend to see cleaning and decluttering as theives of my time to do the things I love to do. It does make life less stressful in a way when I do clean, but more often than not I ignore the mess to go read or write instead. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a race to beat death. :frustrated:

  • okay so now that you have been bitten by the cleaning bug care to come to my house?? LOL

    I could use the help....!!!

    Have a great day!!!


  •  :amen: I think that is why we opted for a much smaller house. The less sq. footage the less room for junk!! Unfortunately, NOW I'm having to go through boxes and get rid of 'stuff' that we won't have room for when we move.

  •  :loony: I get crazy when I think of the clutter thing.  I am about to move... again.  You'd think that with about 5 moves in the last two years, one to South America and then back, I'd have gotten rid of a lot that causes the dreaded clutter, but, I can't explain it but it's here!  Everywhere!  Lotsa luck as you progress and if you have some spare time, head to Middletown ok?  :wave: bye

                               :smile: Deb

  • You are one of the most organized people I know. Wanted to let you know that I tried your "cooking for the month" trick a couple of weeks ago. It's great! I had enough in the freezer for a month, and I'm sure I saved money. Your plan has made me more aware of spending in the grocery store, which I needed. I had a tendency to shop without any planning at all, which is dangerous!

    As for organizing the house, that's in the works. My office space is a disaster. The more I have going on, the more it becomes a whirlwind of papers. I spent part of the day organizing bills. I need to clear off desk surfaces next. I'm sure it affects my mood and my productivity when things aren't tidy.

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