September 30, 2002

  • Ideas Have Consequences

    I've been thinking for about a week of a blog I'd love to write.  The title as you see above is "Ideas Have Consequences."   The title isn't original with me, it's a book by Richard Weaver of the University of Chicago.  I first encountered it some years ago and it introduced me to the concept of worldviews and the logical ends of them. 

    In looking at my life, I notice that it's very difficult to pick apart the ideas that make up my worldview.  Oh, the broad outlines are readily discerned, but it's the underlying nuance that intrigues me.  Where did those small tones and discords begin?  Some of them are the result of growing up in a particualr time, place, and culture.  If I weren't a female born in south Arkansas in the 1960's, I would have experienced a radically different introduction to the world.  Like a baby duck opening its eyes upon its mother, I was impressed by my world and adopted it without thought.

    Now that I'm nearing 40 years of age, I'm thinking about it.  I see the consequences, and I'm working backward to the ideas.

Comments (17)

  • ugghh. you'll have to work backwards to 40 worth of ideas? for someone who can barely remember a week ago, that  just sounds like too much work for me.

    but you have given me something to do, too. i could perhaps write down the major ideas that have stuck with me for a long long  time, those i hold dear, and figure out what their consequences so far have been.

    just wondering, too. if everyone did this, we could come up with a list of the all the ideas that have been proven (ha ha define proof) to consistently produce the best consequences?

  • I love the analogy with the will surely be difficult to step back and analyze, but I'm looking forward to reading it.  Spot

  • Nothing wrong with adopting the world we are given without question.  Stepping outside that world can be interesting..... will you still quack or roar?

  • 40 seems like a good time for introspection...My wife and I grew up in environments that are different as night and day, and it still affects our outlooks on things.

  • You are developping an intersesting sudden awareness . And you may go further .

           AmitiĆ©       Michel

  • I heard it described as an act of intention begetting creation. Hey, it's early! I'll be more coherent later I hope!

  • I hope that you can write that blog...and purge any further feelings of needing to do so....I know how it feels to want to write a particular blog...only to have xanga eat it...LOL

    some of my best writings...according to myself, have been the ones that got away...LOL

    God bless you,


  • Oh, I want to read this blog that's simmering! Sounds like a good one.

  • LOL Yes my dear.. as we age, we have a tendency to do that.. look at the consequences before we do the deed.  Too bad we don't catch on sooner.

  • I can relate, even though I'm a little bit older!

  • self introspection.....quite a trip isn't it?  I walk against all tides and am very opposite from the way I was raised, a reble so to speak.

  • I'm looking forward to that blog, if you decide to write it. It sounds most intriguing!

  • Sounds like a great idea ~ the new blog ~ I never thought of that - having a separate blog for a particular purpose... hmmm.. the wheel is turning! *giggles*

    Thanks for stopping by my place ~ yes, I am having fun fall decorating!

  • Hmm.... yes, yes.  In my Nature of America class, I'm delving rather extensively into how much nuture (enviro) determines what makes an American... it's a very complicated and intriguing issue.  Thanks for sharing!

  • i just finshed listening to a motivatipnal/business tape and one of the things it had said to do was make a list of the significant events in your life tha have shaped your thinking.  Now after reading your blog i am planning to do it.

    great blog


  • From a Cayce perspective I believe that all souls choose the body they "fall" to because of that bodies situation and opportunities for soul advancement.

    So we are, where we are, who we are, doing what we are doing at any given time because it's what we are supposed to be doing. That's ideally.  Of course we're always free to make bad choices.

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