Month: June 2002

  • hee hee hee! this is Fugitive, my sister and her family are in route to Florida today on the start of their vacation.  She isn't around a computer so I thought I would post an update for you guys.

    Have a nice afternoon - if you get bored you can drop by my site although if you are looking for "deep" thinking you will be disappointed.  My sis was always the smart one. 

  • Whooo,  Hooooo!  It's JUNE!

    As far as I'm concerned the month of June is like having an entire month of Fridays - one glorious Friday after another.  June is my birthday, my son's birthday, the official start of summer, flag day, anniversary celebrations, wedding parties, Father's day, Emancipation day, Arkansas Statehood Day - Whooo, Hooooo!   

    June arrived here with a subtle hummmmm of insect wings.  One of those beetles that probably have a long latinate name, but that we always have called a 'June Bug' flew up my shirt last night while I was walking the dog.  I didn't notice at first.  Not until the little fellow made his way up to my shoulder and rustled his wings did I realize that I'd picked up a passenger.

    I remember when I was a very small child, the teenagers next door would catch June bugs and tie thread to their feet.  Then they'd anchor the thread in a pop bottle and the bugs would fly around in circles on the end of the thread.  The boys would have a little circus with a half dozen glass bottles and their captured performers.  Today that strikes me as cruel.  Back then I was amazed.  The irridescent wings of the June bugs mesmerized my eyes, and I enjoyed the show.

    June is green, lush, freshly mowed grass, flowers, lazy days, lemonade, ice cream, a Ferris Wheel, swimming, hickory smoke from the grill, light cotton dresses, and sitting on the porch talking while the lightning bugs flit across the way.

    This year Tim is taking a two week vacation - starting this morning.  Whooooo Hooooooo!  We have him all to ourselves for two whole weeks!  The boys have plans for their daddy - I have plans for their daddy !  It's June again!  I'm a happy girl.