Month: June 2008

  • Hello, Yeah, it's been a while ...

    ... Not much, how bout you? ...

    I'm registered with the Workforce Center.  All my paperwork is filled out.  All my ducks are in a row (I think) sometimes those ducks are tricky.   Now I start sending out resumes and see what will happen.

    I had a full busy Friday and Saturday - Saturday was the monthly writer's workshop at SouthWest Writers and the workshop leader was fantastic.  Lisa Lenard-Cook has published a number of "Idiot's" books, two novels that have each won numerous awards, and her book on writing,  "The Mind of your Story" is the Writer's Digest book club pick of the month.

    I learned things about pacing that lit up bulbs all over my brain.  Which is good.  I needed something lit because I have less than two full weeks before I leave for Iowa and my novel isn't anywhere near ready to be workshopped. 

    I'm listening to oldies, mostly Air Supply cause, well, you just can't have too much sappy romantic music in your summer.  I hope you're enjoying your Morning of June 9, 2008 as much as I'm enjoying mine.  (And for those of you who pay attention to such things, I'm coming up on a significant birthday next week so I'm also thinking ahead to the celebration of that event.)

    Life is good.  Upon the recommendation of my children, I may go see Kung Fu Panda tonight.

    ... there's a warm wind blowing the stars around, and I'd really love to see you tonight.

  • Taking care of me

    Oh, yeah, this is all about me. 

    I'm doing several things this week to take care of myself. 

    First, I'm eating my food plan, no more no less.  I have a tendency to be ... compulsive in my eating.  Either compulsively eating everything in sight, or compulsively starving myself.  Today I will eat the food on my nutritionally balanced food plan to take care of myself.

    I'm getting enough sleep.  I'm actually trying to sleep in, but I'm not very good at that. 

    I'm buying one and only one new pair of shoes.  I broke the strap on my favorite sandals yesterday.  They were really cute - gladiator type design.  I miss them terribly.  So today I will replace my sandals.

    I'm applying for jobs.  I've created an "unemployed" budget.  I've filled out all the paperwork for unemployment benefits.  In other words, I'm taking care of myself by refusing to procrastinate the things I need to do.  This is reducing my stress level significantly.

    I will probably not be online much today, but if you don't hear from me much for a day or two, it's not because I'm not thinking of you and wondering how it's going.  It's because I'm taking care of business.

  • Belated Spring Cleaning

    I've been cleaning house.  I started in my room and my closet.  I got things organized that haven't been organized since I moved in here last August. 

    My closet is like a rack in a department store with things hung according to size ... even sizes above and below what I currently wear!  So I cleaned out everything that I'd have to either lose or gain at least 25 pounds to wear again.  Some of the things I put in storage bags and some I donated to the church for a garage sale.  That made my closet much more manageable. 

    I've spent two afternoons already cleaning my desk, and I'm almost to the point that I can imagine that one more afternoon might do it.  I've been fretting that I need a paper shredder to get rid of old documents with private information, Spazzzzz suggested that I just tear them up and put them in with the used kitty litter.  What a KILLER idea!  Anyone who's willing to search through poop to retrieve my personal data is too whacked out for me to worry about what they will do with it. 

    I have my project management plan for the next month.  It's all good. 

    I hope your weekend has been just spiffy and that you are taking time to draw in deep slow breaths and enjoy your life.